Packaging | Paperboard Packaging Alliance, Student Design Competition | Winter 2021

Awarded with the Certificate of Merit — Top 10 of 300


Paperboard Packaging Challenge

Choose a community relief organization and design packaging to meet a need for that organization. 

  • At least 70% paperboard with outer package dimensions that do not exceed 10”H x 10”W x 15”L 

  • Secure the contents to withstand shipping & handling as an individual package  

  • Include an innovative functional feature that distinguishes itself from other packaging 

  • Feature the renewability, recyclability, versatility, and innovative qualities of paperboard


Project Outcomes + Values

Interactive, appealing, and sustainable package for EcoSLO’s clean-up kit. Organized contents with easily accessible information for volunteers.

  • Provide the user with a pleasing unboxing experience 

  • Organize the products to make each item’s purpose clear 

  • Provide a portable component for user to easily bring essential items to their clean-up 

  • Promote the organization’s message of sustainability



Initial Ideation

This project was done in collaboration with the ITP students’ ideation for the package prototype itself. My team of designers was responsible for developing a way to display all information with design clarity and appeal.

Below is a look at EcoSlo’s current branding and packaging for the clean-up kit. The package was a large spray painted box with items randomly scattered with no additional protection.

Final Design


Our team illustrated imagery of SLO’s beaches and hills, highlighting unique wildlife areas in the central coast. The topography pattern emphasizes the outdoor aspect of this organization and unifies the design across the various components. 

This was a collaborative project.

Each of the designers in my team worked on every aspect of the design and utilized constructive feedback from each other + instructors.

Packaging Students were responsible for overall structure, dielines, and renders.


Packaging Students

Chris Cheung

Kinsey Mangan

Alec Thilmony

Graphic Designers

Joey Marshall

Mady McNeill

Natalie Mitchell


Irene Carbonell

Javier de la Fuente

Linh Dao


The Dirty Irishman Label


Timbre Winery Brand Guidelines