Packaging, Branding | Class Project | 2021

Project Goals

Design a beverage label with an augmented reality extension that communicates your identity and serves a community that you identify with.


Project Outcomes

A sophisticated label for an Irish Coffee Liqueur, linked to my Irish Heritage and love for the sea.

Why an Irish Coffee Liqueur?

Identity Connection.


The design is a play on my Irish heritage and my current residency by the sea in California. My father, who passed down the "McNeill" lineage, has told me countless stories of his adventures sailing and diving in countries where my grandfather was stationed for the Navy. Both coffee and whiskey are drinks he indulges in. 

The Merdúchann, or merrow, is known to have captured the souls of drowned sailors and lock them in cages. Merrow-maidens are known to lure young men beneath the waves with their beauty, where afterwards the men live in an enchanted state. 

Initial Sketches

Initial Sketches



Initial Ideation

The original name “Dirty Irishman” is a play on the cocktail “Nutty Irishman” and the barista term “dirty” that means an addition of espresso in a drink.

Final Process

The three icons within the brand's logo are references to the contents of the drink—whiskey and coffee—while the anchor is a symbol for the duality of the Merdúchann's intentions.

Final Design + AR

The AR component colorizes the logo with some added animation—see video to the right.


Associated Students Inc. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo


EcoSlo Packaging, Student Design Competition